Wake Up Excited to Start Your Day.
Life Coaching, Therapy and Career Services for Low Motivation.
Be secure in who you are and where you’re going.
Feel energized and excited about life, work or school.
Increase your productivity and performance.
Have you been wondering, “Why do I have no motivation?”
If you’re lacking motivation, you may feel uninterested, lazy and bored. But you’re really lacking purpose, direction and confidence.
Symptoms of Motivational Issues
Chronic Procrastination: Continually delaying getting started.
Frequent Distraction: Difficulty maintaining focus and concentration, especially on tedious tasks.
Lack of Follow Through: Breaking commitments (e.g., not doing what you said you’d do) with yourself or others, not finishing what you started or quitting jobs, assignments or hobbies.
Uninterested: Uninspired and bored, feeling restless and
Not Caring: Seemingly lacking passion, empathy or emotions.
Pointlessness: Life seems really pointless and you’re not seeing the purpose of work, school or relationships.
Low Energy
Fatigue: Feeling tired all the time and easily worn out.
Brain Fog: Difficulty thinking, focusing, concentrating or being creative.
Trouble Sleeping: Difficulty falling or staying asleep and lacking healthy routines and structure.
Do you want your spark back?
There are plenty of things you know you should change, things you know you need to get things done. But if you’re lacking motivation, you may feel lazy but you’re really lacking drive, direction and determination.
There’s Hope
Discover how we’ve helped 1,000+ students and professionals regain their motivation.
My name is Scott Treas, founder of LifeSketch, Life Coach and Career Therapist.
With my team of relatable, expert counselors and coaches, we’ve. helped 100s of students and professionals regain their motivation by clarifying their life and career path, developing skills and strategies for success, and creating a plan for moving forward.
Our unique integration of psychology, career development and life coaching inspires and empowers clients to unlock their full potential.
Reach out Today.
✔ Sort Out What’s Holding You Back.
✔ Feel Motivated and Confident.
✔ Unlock Your Full Potential
Interested in Working with us?
3 Easy Steps to Get Started
Step 1
Schedule a FREE Phone Call.
Let’s have a conversation about your situation, challenges, and goals in your life.
Step 2
Decide if we’re a good match.
We’ll help you choose the right LifeSketch program and professional to work with.
Step 3
Move Forward
We’ll work with you to sort out what’s holding you back and unlock your full potential.
About Our Unique, Integrated Coaching Methodology
The LifeSketch Approach
Clarify who you are and where you want to be.
Create a vision and plan for your life.
Identify and understand what’s holding you back.
Develop the needed strategies and skills.
Take action and move forward.